Jellum’s Lake

Information on Jellum’s Lake

100-Yr. Flood Elev. 944.7 (District, 10-day snowmelt) 

Jellum’s Lake is a poor-quality lake with plans for potential development in the future.  The lake outlets to Big Marine Lake.  In-lake phosphorus concentrations commonly exceed the MPCA shallow lake standard of (60mg/L), and the lake is therefore listed as impaired.  In 2008 the lake was better than the MPCA shallow lake standard of 1m for Secchi depth transparency and has an improving trend for this parameter.  Rough fish re-suspend bottom sediments, releasing nutrients resulting in decreased water clarity and quality. Past District management efforts included cooperation with the MN DNR to remove rough fish in 2002 prior to the District’s barley straw application to improve water quality in Jellum’s Lake. In 2021 the Minnesota Pollination Control Agency evaluated monitoring data and recommended the lake for delisting from the Impaired waters list.