Little Carnelian Lake

Information on Little Carnelian Lake

Ordinary High Water  856.20  

100-Yr. Flood Elev. 859.0 (District, 10-day snowmelt) 

Little Carnelian Lake is a beautiful clean lake that outlets to the St. Croix River.  Lake levels have been generally stable since the 1985 completion of the District outlet pipe to the St. Croix River, but does rise and fall moderately with fluctuations in annual precipitation.  Best Management Practices (BMPs) are used around much of the lake; however, no more than 50% of the lake has them in use (i.e., forested buffer).  Citizen interests in this lake are primarily focused on maintaining its excellent water quality.  Little Carnelian is listed on the EPA’s 303(d) list of impaired waters due to the mercury content in fish.  In 2007 the MPCA completed a statewide Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study and implementation plan to address the state’s mercury impairments.