Loon Lake

Information on Loon Lake

Ordinary High Water    905.00  

100-Yr. Flood Elev 907.0 (District, 10-day snowmelt) 

Loon Lake is a shallow, well-developed lake that typically ranks as the poorest water quality lake in the District.  Loon along with S. Twin, N. Twin, Silver and Carol lakes form the headwaters of the Silver Creek Flowage and a part of the Silver Creek Protective Corridor. In-lake phosphorus concentrations are significantly worse than the MPCA shallow lake standard of (60mg/L), and the lake is therefore listed as impaired.  In 2007 the lake also did not meet the MPCA shallow lake standard of 1 m for Secchi depth transparency.   In the past residents of the lake were primarily concerned with lake levels, impacts from agricultural runoff, agricultural spraying of chemicals and the impact/enjoyment of recreational boating on the lake.