10-Year Management Plan Update: Survey Results

By: CMSCWD Staff

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Earlier this year, CMSCWD administered a resident survey as part of our 10-year watershed management plan update process. We heard from 315 residents and water-users, 146 of whom own shoreline property within the district. 

Survey respondents provided important input on where CMSCWD should focus its work in the next ten years. Survey respondents prioritized preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species; enforcing watershed district rules related to development and redevelopment; ensuring clean and safe streams, lakes, rivers and wetlands; Planning and constructing water quality projects; and providing expert assistance to landowners. 

The survey also helped the CMSCWD Board of Managers understand residents’ concerns. The most frequently cited concerns included the preservation of natural shoreland areas; spread of aquatic invasive species; stormwater runoff pollutants; river bluff, stream, and lake shore erosion; maintaining septic systems; and groundwater quality and quantity.  

Over the next eight months, CMSCWD Board of Managers and staff will work closely with the Citizen Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee to develop a draft plan guided by the issues and priorities identified in these surveys, two listening sessions, and input from technical staff, and state and local governments. The plan will outline programs, policies and practices for the next 10 years to address priority watershed issues and goals. The draft plan will be available for public review in June of 2021.

Survey Results: http://www.cmscwd.org/sites/default/files/Shoreline%20Survey%20Results%209.2.2020.pdf



Citizen Advisory Committee Provides Recommendations


A crack in the rock & a beach in the forest